Social Media

Imperium Agency Develops Brand’s Digital Communication Strategies

Considering your brand’s target audience and future plans; We analyze sectors and companies similar to your brand.

By combining the analysis results and your expectations, we create your brand’s social media identity, in short, in which social networks, in what language and with what content strategy your brand should be located. We develop the brand’s digital communication strategy.


We prepare monthly content plans in line with the social media identity determined for your brand.

Content plans are always prepared one month in advance, and all of our content is ready for the first day of the new month as seen and approved by your company.

Special content related to your brand is created about issues related to the agenda during the month (Solar eclipse, an interesting event in the world, great achievements in the country, etc.). With these contents, which we call real-time, it is ensured that your brand reaches a much wider audience and does not stay away from the topics discussed in social media.

We create content that will enable your brand to be mentioned frequently in social media with competitions and high-interaction shares.


In line with our monthly content plans, our visual works are prepared on a monthly basis.

Interesting designs are prepared that are compatible with the content, related to your brand identity, and that will enable you to convey your messages to your followers more effectively.

Considering that people on social media often look at the image before the content, remember that a successful image is the biggest supporter of your brand.


Messages and comments received in all social networks where your brand is located are answered in line with your brand’s language, ensuring fast communication with followers and ensuring follower loyalty.

We provide your brand’s reputation management and communication by scanning the followers who are not your followers but talking about your brand on social media with mention tracking.

We ensure that brand awareness and brand loyalty are created by contacting people who may be your potential customers.

By understanding in advance the crisis situations that may occur about your brand on social media, we make the necessary crisis plans for possible situations.


Follower/interaction/content/reputation reporting of your brand on all social networks is done on a monthly basis.

After the competition and campaigns, the effects of the competition on your brand are examined with detailed reports.


The brands we work with are up to 80% new thanks to their social media ads. find customers and increase sales.

We organize various advertising campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and Youtube in order for your brand and / or products to reach wider audiences on social media and to reach potential customers directly.

With the advertisements designed by our expert team, we ensure that your advertising costs are minimized and you can reach much wider and more effective audiences with the existing budget.

With cross-marketing and remarketing campaigns, we show your simultaneous ads on different social networks to potential audiences that can relate to your brand.

We can help you find the personnel you are looking for much easier with your job postings in networks where white-collar employees are predominant, such as LinkedIn, and we can introduce your brand to people who may be your customers or employees in the future.